FAQContact details
Ron Fry can be reached directly at 262-498-9788 or [email protected] PROGRAM COST
One presentation is $350 Two presentations are $450 Three + presentations in a single day at a single location is $550 Mileage is gratis up to 100 miles round trip from Milwaukee, WI. After 100, it's $0.56 per mile. Lodging for overnight trips is $80 per night. How much space for a presentation?
Presentation space at least 8' deep by 12' wide is ideal but "To Be!" can take place in a small classroom or the corner of a library or can fill a large auditorium. technical requirements
The program is self-contained. If the space is particularly large, a wireless lavaliere microphone may be required. Ron also needs a place to change into costume. age groups
"To Be!" has successfully reached audiences from Kindergarten through university ages and for general audiences of all ages at libraries and community centers. The program is flexible enough to serve almost any audience. presentation length
The program is flexible enough to fit any school schedule with presentations and workshops usually running between 40 minutes and two hours. Many schools book multiple presentations during a day including large-groups and small group workshops. how many presentations per day
Ron can do up to 4 per day. audience size
"To Be! has played to audiences as small as 3 to as large as 650. where do you travel?
"To Be!" is homebased in Milwaukee , WI so plays extensively in the Midwest. The program has toured from coast to coast - California to Washington, DC - and internationally to Florence, Italy. |